The Quiet Confessor

  • Happy to meet you! I'll keep it short and sweet!

  • Respect my boundaries as I respect yours. Please don't bleed IC to OOC. I'm socially awkward and timid and the real me isn't as interesting as my character, so I much prefer to keep things IC when interacting with people. It's not you, it's me.

  • I much prefer long term, character development RPing with stories and fun events to partake with others! But, I am not opposed to one-offs, meet and greets or whatever.

  • I prefer dark and mature themes, but I'm flexible for lighter tone themes and others.

Alias: The Quiet Confessor
Legal Full Name: Polyhymnia L.
Age: 43
Race: Presumably Ishgardian(?)
Nameday: Unknown
Gender: Female
Languages: Common, Thavnairian, Doman, Hingashi, Garlean, Ishgardian

Marital Status: Single

Orientation: Bi sexual
Alignment: Neutral/Grey
Patron Deity: Halone the Fury
Height: 5'8 fulms
Birthplace: Presumably Ishgard(?)
Occupation(s): Confessor for the Saint Reymanaud's Cathedral, Traveling Confessor ||
Assassin-(not public information)

"Throughout all my years of living, I've met countless of faces. Some, more despicable than others. And throughout my years of playing the role as a traveling Confessor, I've heard many confessions, too. Some, unforgivable and unspeakable. It's hard to imagine a man or a woman that has violated the lives of those around them and are still able to wander the streets of their cities, the streets of our roads throughout our lands.""The gods can always forgive, but, man does not. I am a flawed person, like everyone else and I've got sins of my own and hell, will one day catch up with me. But, until that time, it is my job, to console sinners, to forgive them of their acts and deeds, no matter how great or how small it may be. My personal bias opinion, means nothing in the face of righteousness and divinity. It is not my job to judge sinners, for I am a sinner, too.""I am but a mundane, unimpressive and ordinary person. Someone who wakes up at dawn's first sunlight, and blows the candles in the late dusk bells. To accomplish the same tasks, day by day, to listen to people, to not judge and to forgive, so as they may find comfort upon my bosom and sleep better at night. To guide those who genuinely seek forgiveness, towards absolution and be reborn anew. I am an equalizer.""So, tell me, then... What are your sins, my child?"

"Come, I invite thee to take a seat with me and tell me what is troubling thy mind and soul. I shall not judge thee, for man has not right nor place to judge man. As an imperfect soul, I am merely thy guide of light, in the midst of thy dark, stormy night and provide thee with brief enlightenment and absolution, should thy heart desire it so. If these walls could speak, what stories could they share? Allow me to lend mine ear to thee."
What calm aether, she has, like a steady, quiet sea on a cold, fall night:
"My aether burns bright like a glistening speck in the night sky. Yet, it is as calm as the night's sea. If need be, allow mine aether to pose as a beacon of light to thee, in the darkest of nights, and in the deepest tunnels of despair of what Hells you fight in thy mind."
What are you reading there? What's it about?
"Ah, this? It's a fascinating tale of a Thavnairian Princess who's life was not her own. I dare not spoil the story for you, but, we can talk more about it, if you really are that interested. And if not, but, you're interested in inquiring about books, I can recommend a few titles for you, too. Anything to break the ice, I'm always happy to have a friendly stranger to engage conversation with, even if it is mundane and dry. It's never a waste of time to me."
I heard you you know how to 'throw hands', is that true?
"Well, would it be lying if I said, 'no'? Or, would it be bragging if I said, 'yes'?"

UNCOMMONSo, about 'throwing hands'... Can you teach/train me?
"If you're patient, willing to do as I say, follow as I say, and not complain all the way through, then, I think we can arrange something, yes. Keep in mind, however... You won't be proficient in anything simply from day to night just like that. I will be here to spot you, but, you have to put in the work."
Aether sensing?
"I've always had a gift... Nay, a knack for aether sensory. I am not aether sensitive by any means, nor am I one of the gifted few to possess the Echo, nothing like that... But, years of hard work, dedication, endurance and training, have led me to be an excellent Bloodhound for aether. It's not something I am open about, really, but, if I can help with something in relation to it, I will try my best."
-Whisper, whisper, mutter, mutter:- I heard the Mother of Confessor is a Nymphomaniac... Is that true? "Despite my best efforts to remain a holy woman, I am ashamed to admit that I am no different than everyone else that sins in this world. Whether it is a Holy See Knight of Ishgard, or a Holy See brother, or... simply a resident coming to confession, it's difficult to restrain my carnal urges, yet, even if I opposed it, the lips that promised to remain sealed, will sing and their song, echoed throughout the walls of the Cathedral. This is simply who I am, in the end. A shameless, sinful follower of Halone. And someday, Hell will catch up with me, too."

RAREEqualizer - "Black wasps, dark fairies/Swarm into the night and kiss/My adversaries.Before I embark/On my journey of revenge/I shall dig two graves.In a world of rot/I serve as its black reaper/emissary."I don't sense anyone around, it must've been the wind...
"The light that once shined/In me, fades, as darkness reaps/But a speck remains..."
I found The Gold Card, and I can't take this anymore! My son, my daughter, both gone, and all because of a that-- THAT GANG?! The local authorities have dismissed my case or aren't doing anything more about it at this point! No... I won't stand for it, I'm going to get in touch with the owner of this Gold Card...
"If it is mine blade/You seek, a price must be paid/Consider it done.
If it's injustice/There is no need for coin bags/Leave the rest to me."Is there really such a thing as a 'Brotherhood' of Assassins? Sounds like something someone made up or took straight out of a book's tale, hah! What a bloody joke!
"The Brotherhood of Mirage shall never be revealed to the outside world. Society knows not of our existence, and so our brothers and sisters of the shadows shan't ever be known to the world outside. We do not follow the rules, the law of men, of Eorzea, the Far East, Ishgard, Ala Mhigo, Garlemald, nor here, in our home of Thavnair, the Near East. Take care, my brothers and sisters of the shadows and remember, nothing is true, everything is permitted."